Baby it’s cold outside

And I’m not kidding! For over a month now, we in the PNW are experiencing cold temperatures that have brought on more snow flurries and sometimes dumps (even at sea level) than I can remember in… well… ever.  Bring on the cozy sweaters and mugs of hot [insert name of your favorite hot beverage here].  For me it means endless mugs of tea.

Thanks to this constant cold we’ve had a huge dump of snow in the higher elevations (just ask Northern California and Colorado residents) and that means when you live near the mountains like I do, it’s time to ski!!  I haven’t made it up to the mountain yet but maybe in the next week or two.  I can’t wait to hear that shooshing!

Snow was kind of a rarity when I was little – unless we were up in the mountains it was practically non-exhistant.  I would always do my best to leave as much undisturbed snow as possible when my sister and I ran outside to play.  Is there anything as beautiful in winter as undisturbed snow after the year’s first (and sometimes only) dump?  Or those perfect corduroy lines making their way down the mountainside when you happen to get to the lift super early and you’re the first one to leave tracks on your favorite trail?

So while you’re thinking of all that perfect undisturbed snow, take a look at this little beauty:

Beauregard, Steamboat Aerials

Don’t you just love the camera motion?  It’s so graceful.  Kind of like how I like to imagine myself coming down the mountain but often create more of a zig-zag pattern.

Here’s hoping for more good ski weather but maybe a little warmer temperature for those of us living down at sea level…

Snow Banks and Wet Noses

I really have no excuse for my lack of posting since the beginning of October other than I’ve been busy and this blog took a back seat to everything else.  I’m relieved to see that several of my other favorite blogs have also been slowing down on their posting frequency and it makes me feel a little less guilty… well, sort of.

As per usual, I’m not ready to share what I’ve been working on but will (hopefully) in the near future.  It’s not entirely my fault that I’m not sharing my work at the moment – a lot of it has to do with timing with PR etc. and/or the projects aren’t ready to reveal so I’m afraid you’ll have to have a little more patience if you are dying to see what’s new.

As I’ve completely missed the holiday season, I’m going to jump ahead to one of my favorite things about winter.  Skiing.  If I were a dog, I would hope that I could have a job like this:


If I’m ever in an avalanche or an incident that results in me buried in snow, I hope I’m rescued by one of these puppies.  Heaven forbid I’m ever in that kind of situation.  I’m just saying…

I love the use of slow motion in this little diddy.  What better way to glorify these little superheroes?  It works for humans so why not dogs, right?  Also, the camera motion with the action shots works really well here and for once I’m posting about professional skiers and their stunt reels.  I’m so glad someone has finally made a video about skiing other than a stunt reel!

I haven’t made it up to the mountains since the snow starting piling up but I’m excited to get a few trips up as long as the snow holds out this season.

I know I won’t be posting again in the next few days so I will say it now.  Happy New Year!  See you in 2016.

Cloud Formations

We’ve had a very odd summer here in the PNW.  For many parts of the world it’s not unusual to have high temperatures and no to little rain for months on end.  We however, are not used to it here.  Today, it’s finally raining and although it’s back to being grey (for one day only), it’s kind of a relief.

A normal summer would include frequent cloud cover, temperatures in the mid-70s and days of either brilliant sunshine or light drizzle.  So far 2015 has has blue skies and little wispy clouds that chase each other across the sky.  We don’t tend to get sightings like this:


I’ve only seen clouds like this in the Mid-West when I was in my late teens and while driving through the Southwest when I was 12.  It’s videos like this that prove just how powerful and beautiful nature an be.  It’s simply mesmerizing!

The patience that it takes to film scenes like this always astonish me.  This is why I didn’t go into nature documentaries – I’m not patient enough to wait for things to happen.  I sure am thankful to those who do have the stamina and patience to record things like this though.

Man’s Best Friend

Raise your hand if you’ve ever read Garth Stein’s, The Art of Racing in the Rain.  If you have, you’ll know that it’s a story told from the point of view of a dog, Enzo – devoted in every way to his humans and often frustrated with his lack of opposable thumbs and too large tongue preventing him from sharing his observations in a succinct and audible fashion.

If you liked that book, you’ll love this little short about a dog named Denali:


We never had dogs growing up, despite my sister’s ardent pleads and strategies to convince our parents to change their minds.  We had too many allergies and we traveled too much to make it possible.  Somehow you just don’t have the same relationship with your goldfish as you do with a furry canine.

The best part about this video?  The story.  We can all identify with the strength that we get from other’s support and the grief that goes with losing them in one way or another. It’s too bad that dogs have a much shorter life-span than most of their owners because a lot of people would really say that they are their best friend.

Bringing Back the Light

In the midst of a summer full of wildfires, residual smoke and horror stories of parched forests being consumed by hungry flames, it’s sometimes hard to believe that the fire season will eventually come to and end – or at least we are all hoping it will.  Beyond the terrors that these widespread flames bring to homeowners, the idea of losing our forests is what really scares me.

I’ve always taken old growth trees for granted, I mean living in an area where trees stand hundreds of feet tall and have witnessed more local history than we can even imagine, well if trees could talk… right?  What would happen though if the future generations didn’t have monster towers of wood shading them or recycling their carbon dioxide back into oxygen?

I don’ want to even speculate and hopefully logging and wildfires will slow enough and allow new growth to take root. Thanks to people like those in the video below, we may not have to face a treeless reality:


My favorite part of this film is the beautiful and sweeping views of the forests and the use of the autumn light.  Autumn is my favorite time of year to film outside – there is a soft and warm quality to it that you don’t get in summer (the sun is too high), winter (the sun is too low) and only sometimes get in Spring.  Usually in the PNW, it’s too cloudy in the Spring to know what kind of light is filtering through.

Although we still have several weeks of Summer left, I can only hope that the fires slow and that our old forests can continue to bare witness to future events – and bask in plenty more Autumn light.

Coawabunga – from the air

Something very strange is happening here in the Pacific Northwest.  We’re actually having summer weather and have been for several weeks now.  So much so that several people I’ve talked to are already prepared for Fall weather and the land is definitely ready for some rain – these wild fires are just plain scary. I don’t think that will be happening any time soon so for now I’m trying to enjoy it as much as I can.

As anything in water sounds fabulous right now:

Steven Briand

I love all of the moving arial shots in this video – it almost makes me feel cooler even if I am sitting in 90 ºF weather.

The Breach is on Tour!

I’m beyond excited to announce that The Breach is officially on tour!  Now I know that I’ve posted dates already, but here is the full list, as well as links to tickets etc.  And in case you need a small reminder of what The Breach is, here’s the trailer:

New York, NY – 04.25 6pm – The Rubin Museum of Art – GET TICKETS  Panel to Include: Chef Tom Douglas!  All the way from Seattle…

Boston, MA – 04.26 – 2pm–  Theatre 1- GET TICKETS

Washington D.C. – 04.28 – 7pm – Goethe-Institut – GET TICKETS

Raleigh, NC –04.29 6pm  The Rialto Theatre – GET TICKETS

Miami, FL – 04.30 – 630pm –  O Cinema – GET TICKETS

Chicago, IL – 05.03  12:30 pm – Gene Siskel Film Center – GET TICKETS

Minneapolis, MN – 05.06 7pm  Showplace Icon Theatre — GET TICKETS

Denver, CO – 05.07 630pm  Landmark Mayan Theatre -— GET TICKETS

Boulder, CO – 05.08 – E Town Hall – GET TICKETS

San Francisco CA – 05.12  530pm – The Bay Aquarium – GET TICKETS

Berkeley – 5.13 630pm – Brower Center/Goldman Theater – GET TICKETS

Seattle – 05.15 630pm  – Seattle Art Museum (SAM)  – GET TICKETS

Portland – 05.18 6pm – McMenamin’s Kennedy School – GET TICKETS

Salt Lake City – ****Special Additional Screening**** 05.19 – Utah Film Center Tickets forthcoming from Utah Film Center

Santa Monica, CA –05.20 7pm – Cross Campus – GET TICKETS

All sorts of screenings

All sorts of things are happening in my work life at the moment.  All sorts of good things, but also overwhelming at how fast they are moving.  I promise that I’ll have something to show you soon, but until then…

There are several more screenings of The Breach and now one of Out of Print!

So here we go…

Out of Print makes it’s UK TV Premier on the Community Channel at 10 pm (GMT)!

The Breach at Portland Eco Film Fest: April 11 at 6:30 pm.  Tickets here.


Tickets for various cities can be bought here.  More locations to be announced!

Around the Corner?

I’m sure that most of the Northern Hemisphere is ready for Spring to arrive – especially those living in places that have had extremely cold and snowy weather that started last Autumn.  I have a friend in Boston who has given up on finding her car for now.  She knows that it’s under a snow bank, but there isn’t much good digging it out because the next time the snow ploughs come by, it will be wedged in by a new snow bank.  Yuck!  Even those of us with extremely mild winters are ready for Spring to arrive (in full).  The PNW has had plenty of blooming plants for a while now but leaves on the trees would also be nice.

So to encourage that spring foliage to blossom out, here is a little something to entice you:



Short and sweet, this has spring written all over it.  You might still have to wear a coat when out of doors, but the sun is shining and everything is coming to life.

Hang in there.  Spring is almost here!